HEXAMITA CURE - Complete Guide
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Discus Aquarium Tanks Requirements & Aquascape Designs Ideas
In this article, the secrets of setting up a standard discus aquarium tank, as well as, designing a proper discus aquarium aquascape will be revealed. In setting up a standard aquarium, acquiring the...
The temperature of your aquarium is crucial to the health of your Discus, and it is difficult to maintain a stable temperature in your aquarium without an aquarium heater. Do Discus Fish Need A...
13 Best Discus Aquarium Plants – Discus Aquascape Plants List
When considering how to set up a planted Discus tank, most breeders tend to compromise the temperature of the tank, keeping Discus fishes at a temperature that’s a bit low but a bit high for...
17 Steps Complete Guide – How Do You Set Up A Discus Aquarium
There are several factors to consider to building a Discus plant aquarium, factors as the tank placement, Discus tank filtration, heat supply, aquarium material, Discus fish tank decorations, type...
17 Discus Tank Mates – What Other Fish Can I Put With Discus?
You can put some fishes that are compatible tank mates with Discus include but not limited to Cory fish, Assassin snail, Apisto Agassizi, Cardinal tetras, Plecos, Rainbowfish, Beckford’s Pencil...
Why Do Discus Spit Out Food? Discus normally spits out the food because they don’t have teeth rather they have grinders in the jaw and that is why your Discus might be spitting food out and...