To make your Discus grow faster, do the following: Do a 30% water change daily.Feed Discus with healthy foods like brine shrimps and artemia.Use smaller tank.Let Discus school comprise of 10 or...
Category: Discus For Dummies
At times, certain creatures enter the fish tank and become stuck on plants or fishes. Among these creatures, the most common which breeders of discus find in their aquariums include detritus worms,...
17 Discus Tank Mates – What Other Fish Can I Put With Discus?
You can put some fishes that are compatible tank mates with Discus include but not limited to Cory fish, Assassin snail, Apisto Agassizi, Cardinal tetras, Plecos, Rainbowfish, Beckford’s Pencil...
Why Do Discus Spit Out Food? Discus normally spits out the food because they don’t have teeth rather they have grinders in the jaw and that is why your Discus might be spitting food out and...
We will talk about the behavior of your discus in this article. I will enlighten you about the basic behavioral issues that you may face keeping discus. Otherwise, I intend to answer your questions...
If you might not want to see only Discus all the time in your tank then you should know more about what other types of fish you can keep with Discus. Here I have discussed 13 different fish...