Twirling in discus fish is a chronic disease caused by a parasitic protozoan known as cerebrali Myxobolus and it feeds on live tubifex worms. Research has shown this disease to be common in aquariums...
Category: Rescue
This is a ciliated protozoan that attacks fish including discus fish. It is called Cryptobia. This is an internal disease of the fish where the Cryptobia organism is creating granulomas in the...
Red spot disease is also known as Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) or Mycotic Granulomatosis (MG). It is an epizootic condition that does not frequently amongst freshwater fishes (it is...
Red Gills Disease Red gills are a condition that affects Discus fishes much like other kinds of ornamental fishes. It could be a result of a bacteria known as Gram-negative columnaris, an attack...
Tetrahymena (Corlissi) is a free-living protozoan that causes the death of apparently large numbers of fishes and other organisms in hatcheries and aquariums worldwide. This disease occurs when both...
5 Methods To Get Rid Of Saprolegnia – Discus Saprolegnia Cure
What is Discus Saprolegnia? Fish Saprolegnia is a fungus on discus fishes. It is fungi that not only appear in fish but other aquatic organisms including plants. Another name by which fish...