HEXAMITA CURE - Complete Guide
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How Do You Treat Gill Flukes in Discus? – Gill Fluke Treatment
What Is Gill Fluke Disease In Discus? Discus gill fluke disease is a disease found on the gills of the discus fish, which is caused by small white worm-like parasites, which could be seen only...
Why Is My Discus Swimming Head Standing? – Head Standing Cure
The reason why Discus is swimming head standing is that it is suffering either from a condition known as Swim Bladder disorder, a health case in which Discus is unable to regulate the amount of air...
Your discus swimming face down is a sign that your fish have a buoyancy issue or simply put the loss of balance. That means your fish has lost the ability to swim properly. This issue could be caused...
How Do You Treat Swim Bladder In Discus? – Swim Bladder Cure
As you know, for proper treatment to be administered to a particular disease, the diagnosis must be accurate. For swim bladder disorder in discus fish, some signs indicate the possibility of swim...
Large White Slime Cotton Stains on My Discus – Cure Answered
White slime stain is a common fungal infection in discus fishes growing cotton-like stains on their skin. These fungal infections usually found in the aquarium and feed on dead things, discus fish...
How Do You Treat Discus Bloat? – Discus Dropsy and Bloating Cure
Discus bloat - Is a situation where the intestine of the discus fish is blocked, and food eaten by the discus does not digest and cannot allow the passing out of waste from the anus. This discus fish...