HEXAMITA CURE - Complete Guide
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6 Steps To Treat Discus Skin Ulcer Disease – Skin Ulcer Cure
What Is Discus Skin Ulcer? Discus Skin Ulcer or Skin Ulcer disease can be defined as a sore on the skin of the Discus which can ultimately end up causing deadness of tissues (sphacelus). Skin...
6 Steps To Treat Discus Lice (Argulus Sp.) – Discus Lice Cure
The Argulus sp. is aquarium lice (aka fish lice), which are crustacean ectoparasites of fishes. The hematophagous parasites cling to and feed off the integument of the body of their hosts. They...
Discus Shimmy is an odd postural behavior that causes the Discus fish to twitch, vibrate, or shake their bodies at short intervals. Discus shimmying is a symptom, not exactly a disease; it can be...
5 Reasons Discus Is Flicking, Scratching, Flashing, Rubbing Against Plants
Discus flicking, Discus flashing, and Discus scratching can be caused by parasites cleaving to the body of the Discus, or ailments resulting from ammonia build up in the tank, poor water quality,...
What Causes Hole In The Head Discus? – Hole In The Head Cure
The hole in the head disease (or the lateral line erosion condition) is caused by a viral, bacterial, or internal parasite infection specifically flagellated protozoan parasite named Spironucleus...
Why Does My Discus Fish Have Cloudy Eyes? – 11 Treatment Steps
Cloudy eyes are a Discus fish disease caused by a bacterial infection and cause the appearance of white film in the eye of the Discus fish. Cloudy eyes can be a symptom of a disease or different...