If you are planning to transfer your aquarium into the planted aquarium, then you have to consider having a substrate for your live plants.
- This substrate’s new formula enhances plant root development.
- Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate is mineralogically and biologically complete, giving you luxuriant aquatic plant growth without nuisance algae
- No artificial dyes, paints, or chemical coatings
- Eco-Complete has highly porous spherical grains for optimum diffusion performance and contains live Heterotrophic bacteria to rapidly convert fish waste into natural food for your aquatic plants.
Directions of Use
- Add Eco-Complete to empty aquarium, then add water, plants, start all filters and pumps.
- If adding to an existing tank, mix in a few pounds a day over a period of a week or more.
Check Eco-Complete Planted Black Aquarium Substrate on Amazon.